
„The spectacular rise of digital technologies has been one of the most important social and economic phenomena of the last decades, and we must do our utmost to bring these solutions to as many people as possible.”

Digitisation and the emergence and unstoppable spread of innovative technologies are radically transforming the everyday operations and workflows of citizens, businesses and public administrations. A citizen’s quality of life, the competitiveness of a country and of its businesses and the success of a nation’s economy greatly depend on the ability to harness the potential of digital technologies.


Digital ecosystem

The digital ecosystem is a complex and interconnected system in which users (citizens, businesses, public/governmental institutions, education, academia, NGOs) and devices communicate with each other on digital platforms, using tens of thousands of content and applications over broadband networks that provide gigabit data speeds, both fixed and wireless (5G and later 6G mobile). The Digital […]

Digital business development

Digitisation and the emergence and unstoppable spread of innovative technologies are radically transforming the daily lives, operations and workflows of businesses (and of course the general public). Today, there is almost no segment of the corporate sector (including micro, small, medium and large enterprises) that is not affected to a greater or lesser extent by […]

Media and telecommunications market

The Hungarian media and content industry has undergone significant changes over the past decade. Technological development, the emergence of streaming services and significant changes in the media consumption habits of the general public have brought rapid and profound changes to the media and telecommunications market. The changes have led to the blurring of sub-market boundaries, […]

Digital ecosystem

The digital ecosystem is a complex and interconnected system in which users (citizens, businesses, public/governmental institutions, education, academia, NGOs) and devices communicate with each other on digital platforms, using tens of thousands of content and applications over broadband networks that provide gigabit data speeds, both fixed and wireless (5G and later 6G mobile). The Digital […]

Digital business development

Digitisation and the emergence and unstoppable spread of innovative technologies are radically transforming the daily lives, operations and workflows of businesses (and of course the general public). Today, there is almost no segment of the corporate sector (including micro, small, medium and large enterprises) that is not affected to a greater or lesser extent by […]

Media and telecommunications market

The Hungarian media and content industry has undergone significant changes over the past decade. Technological development, the emergence of streaming services and significant changes in the media consumption habits of the general public have brought rapid and profound changes to the media and telecommunications market. The changes have led to the blurring of sub-market boundaries, […]

Artificial intelligence: less informed internet users in Hungary

Although the majority of the Hungarian adult population, small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies have digital devices (e.g. smartphones, desktop PCs, laptops) and services (mobile internet, fixed internet subscription) integrating artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, and the majority regularly use AI-based online services, only one in four residential and one in three corporate users claimed to be more or explicitly informed in this field—according to research conducted by Századvég Konjunktúrakutató’s Digital Business Unit in the first half of 2024.


About us

Our research is based on many years of professional experience and rigorous methodology, in line with our clients’ expectations.

Seizing the potential of digital technologies requires a combination of conditions: openness to digital technologies among citizens, businesses and public institutions, easy-to-use digital tools and services, and the end-users and employees who are aware of the available digital services and have the required digital competences necessary to use digital services, as well as a strategic and regulatory environment that encourages their use. The primary goal of Századvég Konjunktúrakutató Zrt.’s Digital Division is therefore to support its clients with its consulting activities and expertise in the foundation of their digitisation-related decisions, and in this way to indirectly contribute to the harmonious and balanced development of all elements of the Hungarian digital ecosystem.

In addition to specific areas of the digital ecosystem (digital infrastructure, digital economy, digital competences, digital state), the division also provides expertise and consulting services in the areas of digital business development, media and telecoms markets.

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Gábor Kelemen


Economist, Director of the Digital Division of Századvég Konjunktúrakutató Zrt. He started his career in the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications and later held consultant positions in companies operating in the market. He then continued his career at NISZ Zrt., where he worked first as an analyst, later as a strategy director and finally as head of Strategy, Legal and Human Resources. He continued his career as a division head at the Digital Welfare Programme. Since 2020, he has been the director of the Digital Division at Századvég, where he and his colleagues have conducted a number of primary research projects on the digital readiness of Hungarian micro enterprises and SMEs, robotisation and automation, internet usage and digital literacy among the Hungarian population, the spread of atypical forms of employment, and the expectations of Hungarian enterprises regarding the institutional system of development policy. He is married and the father of two young children.

Focusing on Digitisation

Digital ecosystem

The digital ecosystem is a complex and interconnected system in which users (citizens, businesses, public/governmental institutions, education, academia, NGOs) and devices communicate with each other on digital platforms, using tens of thousands of content and applications over broadband networks that provide gigabit data speeds, both fixed and wireless (5G and later 6G mobile).

The Digital Division of Századvég explores specific areas of the digital ecosystem in its expert and consulting activities for its clients: 

  • digital infrastructure 
  • digital economy 
  • digital competences
  • digital state

Digital business development

Digitisation and the emergence and unstoppable spread of innovative technologies are radically transforming the daily lives, operations and workflows of businesses (and of course the general public). Today, there is almost no segment of the corporate sector (including micro, small, medium and large enterprises) that is not affected to a greater or lesser extent by digital technologies, whether it is the digitisation of support or back-office activities or the core businesses of enterprises. 

In formulating our business development proposals, we aim to bear in mind that international and national research shows that the intelligent and conscious use of innovative technologies has a positive impact on the development, efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises, increasing their added value and export capacity, even at the same level of employment.

Media and telecommunications market

The Hungarian media and content industry has undergone significant changes over the past decade. Technological development, the emergence of streaming services and significant changes in the media consumption habits of the general public have brought rapid and profound changes to the media and telecommunications market. The changes have led to the blurring of sub-market boundaries, the emergence of certain service providers in new roles and the emergence of entirely new players and services. In our analysis of the media and telecommunications market, we look at both the supply and demand side to present as complete and comprehensive a picture as possible.

We provide a wide array of solutions



trendfigyelés monitoring, szakértői rendelkezésre állás szolgáltatások
Trend analysis, monitoring, expert availability

Preparation/review of regular and on-demand expert materials, ad hoc consultations, presentations, lectures, short summaries, expert materials and preparatory materials.

projektmenedzsment szolgáltatások
Project management

Project management tasks for digitisation projects.

tanácsadás szolgáltatások

Expert support and quality assurance for the preparation of strategy documents, baseline studies, periodic reports, research and analyses , as well as quality assurance and expert support for digitisation development projects.

stratégiai tanulmányok szolgáltatások
Strategic studies and basic research

Preparation of strategy papers, feasibility studies and action plans, monitoring and expert support for implementation.

primer kutatásra épülő elemzés szolgáltatások
Primary research-based analysis

Analysis and research combined with primary research in the digital ecosystem, digital business development, media and telecommunications markets.

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Latest reports

The circular economy, which has so far been understood primarily in the context of sustainability and climate protection, is increasingly becoming integrated into the efficiency and competitiveness considerations of national economies and businesses, making the extent to which the relevant actors apply digital solutions a critical factor, revealed the research project of the Digital Business Unit of Századvég Konjunktúrakutató at the end of 2023.
The industrial strategies of the world’s leading industrial economies, as well as those of the European countries that stand out in terms of industrial output, have in common that there is a clear technological focus in the assessment of the situation, the setting of priorities and targets, and the toolbox: challenges, targets and proposed measures are essentially examined and defined in terms of digital technology opportunities, according to research conducted by the Digital Business Unit of Századvég Konjunktúrakutató at the end of 2023.
There is a global consensus on the vital role of water in the proper functioning of ecological, social and economic systems, and it is therefore a priority to ensure the widest possible uptake of modern digital technologies across the water utilities sector, from water resource protection to water services. A research conducted by the Digital Business Unit of Századvég Konjunktúrakutató at the end of 2023 revealed that the essential prerequisite for the penetration of these solutions is the mainstreaming of digitisation aspects in resource allocation, investment and development decisions, as well as in the economical and conscious industrial and residential user practices.

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