Regional Development

“Our commitment to the countryside and people living in the countryside is the most important driving force behind our work.”

Creating a competitive and livable countryside is in the fundamental interest of our country. The countryside is the basis for economic, social and environmental development and sustainability, and a guarantee of the country’s sovereignty and resilience. Our work aims to make rural development decisions and interventions more informed and effective. This is supported by our commitment to the countryside and people living in the countryside and our expertise based on data and local experience.


Analysis of the development of rural areas and the challenges of spatial planning are increasingly important policy and economic planning objectives.

Recent global and regional events and their negative effects on foreign trade have highlighted the need to make better use of the country’s own resources (e.g. shortening supply chains, using local raw materials, involving local human resources) in setting future economic directions. The effectiveness of resource management depends to a large extent on the quality […]

Building synergies in the rural development process

Hungarian rural development projects and interventions for small settlements do not always have the desired impact. The undoubted economic and social benefits of the programmes are not sufficient to ensure that their inclusive effect is sustained in the longer term. Beyond the mandatory maintenance period, most projects do not even have the information needed for […]

Districts and rural settlements

The last decade has seen the re-establishment of the district (“járás” in Hungarian) system in Hungary. The study of the district as a unit of administrative organisation and territorial development is the focus of our research. It seems logical to strengthen the district seat as a kind of regional service centre, which is a strategic […]

Analysis of the development of rural areas and the challenges of spatial planning are increasingly important policy and economic planning objectives.

Recent global and regional events and their negative effects on foreign trade have highlighted the need to make better use of the country’s own resources (e.g. shortening supply chains, using local raw materials, involving local human resources) in setting future economic directions. The effectiveness of resource management depends to a large extent on the quality […]

Building synergies in the rural development process

Hungarian rural development projects and interventions for small settlements do not always have the desired impact. The undoubted economic and social benefits of the programmes are not sufficient to ensure that their inclusive effect is sustained in the longer term. Beyond the mandatory maintenance period, most projects do not even have the information needed for […]

Districts and rural settlements

The last decade has seen the re-establishment of the district (“járás” in Hungarian) system in Hungary. The study of the district as a unit of administrative organisation and territorial development is the focus of our research. It seems logical to strengthen the district seat as a kind of regional service centre, which is a strategic […]

International good practices in rural development – New Rural Development Paradigm 2


About us

Our division has put people in the countryside and the creation of a livable countryside at the heart of its empirical consulting services.

We map the economic and social aspects, synergies, strengths and areas for development of the rural space along these needs.   We know that people in the countryside believe in practical solutions. That’s why our activities aim to work with other divisions to develop complex, yet practical and locally appropriate procedures.  We have the competences needed to assess and design the complex impact of a programme or intervention on the economy and society.

portré 24 schultz gábor
Gábor Schultz


Between 2007 and 2012 he worked as a researcher and then as a senior researcher at Századvég. Over the years, he has also worked on Hungarian and international politics, regional development, regional policy and security policy. In 2019, he joined the Regional Division, where he has been Head since 2020. Together with his colleagues, he aims to draw on fundamental social science research to explore issues that focus on the livability of rural areas and the better livelihoods of people in the countryside. As consultants, they look for practical solutions based on their knowledge of the subject. Motto: rural development in practice.

Együttműködő partnereink

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem

Állatorvostudományi Egyetem

Focusing on Regional Development

Analysis of the development of rural areas and the challenges of spatial planning are increasingly important policy and economic planning objectives

Recent global and regional events and their negative effects on foreign trade have highlighted the need to make better use of the country’s own resources (e.g. shortening supply chains, using local raw materials, involving local human resources) in setting future economic directions. The effectiveness of resource management depends to a large extent on the quality of regional planning, both in terms of its economic aspects (the proper design and implementation of industrial and infrastructure development) and the improvement of the country’s demographics. From the latter aspect, the question of whether we can stop the population decline in rural areas is fundamental, but better still, if we can increase it at macro and local level.

Building synergies in the rural development process

Hungarian rural development projects and interventions for small settlements do not always have the desired impact. The undoubted economic and social benefits of the programmes are not sufficient to ensure that their inclusive effect is sustained in the longer term. Beyond the mandatory maintenance period, most projects do not even have the information needed for a credible evaluation. The weaknesses of the interventions are most evident in terms of cooperation, economic and social innovation and regional balancing effects. 

The aim of the study is to analyse the long-term impacts of selected rural development projects in small settlements and to prepare a methodology for a complex and modern ex-post evaluation system that can serve as a basis for effective decisions in the future. The study is the first in a series of research projects on synergies in rural development.

Districts and rural settlements

The last decade has seen the re-establishment of the district (“járás” in Hungarian) system in Hungary. The study of the district as a unit of administrative organisation and territorial development is the focus of our research. It seems logical to strengthen the district seat as a kind of regional service centre, which is a strategic idea. At the same time, it is indeed a big question to what extent the district, as a primarily administrative unit, covers actual regional economic processes. 

These regional functions are not unprecedented, as local government associations can be set up to perform joint functions even today. Previously, for almost a decade, Hungary had a system of multi-purpose sub-regional associations of municipal governments, in which municipalities were obliged to join in order to jointly perform certain educational, healthcare, social care and regional development functions.

The problem of the appropriate size to perform public functions is not new, and it is also a major issue in the professional and public debate on the fragmentation of the Hungarian municipal structure.

We provide a wide array of solutions




Proposing solutions to issues related to or going beyond the research projects carried out.


Exploring and analysing the correlations of the data found and formulating proposals.


A deeper understanding of aspects of the field of study through interviews with specific subjects.


Understanding public opinion through a survey of the population or businesses.

International benchmarking

International overview and analysis of the area to be assessed.

Együttműködések, amelyekre büszkék vagyunk

Fontosabb referenciamunkáink

Projekt neve

Átalakuló felsőoktatás – a modellváló intézmények működése, jövőbeni lehetőségei.


Kormányzati szereplő



Fő témakörök

Nemzetközi benchmark; hazai egyetemek stratégiai dokumentumainak elemzése;  Interjúelemzés egyetemi vezetőkkel; Kérdőíves adatfelvétel a hallgatók körében.


Nemzetközi benchmark a nemzetközi és európai top egyetemekről; desk research kutatás a hazai modellváltó egyetemek stratégiai dokumentumairól; kérdőíves adatfelvétel ezen egyetemek hallgatói körében; félig strukturált interjúk az egyetemi vezetőkkel.

Projekt neve

A műszaki háttérrel rendelkező győri Széchenyi Egyetem egészségipari/egészségtechnológiai Kompetencia Központjának megvalósíthatósági tanulmánya, költségvetési hatáselemzése.


Kormányzati szereplő



Fő témakörök

Háttér, elvárások; SWOT analízis; Nemzetközi összehasonlítás, piackutatás; célcsoportok beazonosítása, elemzése; kompetencia, infrastruktúra, szolgáltatási lehetőségek beazonosítása az egyetemnél; igényfelmérés a célcsoport tagjainál; Javaslat a működtetésre (szervezeti, menedzsment és egyéb téren egyaránt)


Desk research – áttekintés a hazai és nemzetközi iránymutatásokról Összefoglaló a best practice modellekről, milyen módosítás/egyetemre szabás után válhat alkalmazhatóvá. Félig strukturált interjúk a legfontosabb szereplőkkel.    Az összefoglaló elemzésben a fentieken túl javaslat a megrendelőnek, hogy milyen területeken és milyen módszertannal van lehetőség az ideális megvalósításra, a fenntartható működésre.

Partnereink visszajelzései

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Latest reports

Today, the perception and role of the countryside is characterised by a particular duality. On the one hand, urbanisation and industrialisation have accelerated the depopulation of already less densely populated peripheral as well as the ageing of their population. On the other hand, the recent crises and the coronavirus pandemic have highlighted that without the countryside, a strong, developing and resilient national economy and, ultimately, national sovereignty are unthinkable.

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