Economic Development

With our considerable consulting experience, we support actors in Hungarian economic and development policy institutions.

Our division, which conducts multidisciplinary research projects and also relies on primary data collection deduces conclusions and forecasts future economic trends . The division utilizes and integrates the accumulated knowledge produced by Századvég’s diverse activities, thus, it can provide significant added value to businesses and public institution clients.


Business consulting

For our market clients, we offer professional support in raising funds for their specific development needs, including financial consulting on business planning, economic impact assessment of investments, and representation before potential financing institutions. We also support our clients in developing their corporate strategy, which we reinforce with research activities. We offer them consulting services for […]

Policy consulting and research

Our policy consulting services focus on supporting specific areas of economic policy intervention, sector strategies and policy analysis. Our division regularly advises on economic policy and development policy concepts and studies and supports Hungarian EU policy and development policy institutions.

Municipality consulting

Our division has extensive experience that can benefit local governments as well. We are involved in the analysis of the operational characteristics of the local government system.  In order to promote the local economic development efforts of local governments we conduct urban development and economic analyses and elaborate economic development tools.

Business consulting

For our market clients, we offer professional support in raising funds for their specific development needs, including financial consulting on business planning, economic impact assessment of investments, and representation before potential financing institutions. We also support our clients in developing their corporate strategy, which we reinforce with research activities. We offer them consulting services for […]

Policy consulting and research

Our policy consulting services focus on supporting specific areas of economic policy intervention, sector strategies and policy analysis. Our division regularly advises on economic policy and development policy concepts and studies and supports Hungarian EU policy and development policy institutions.

Municipality consulting

Our division has extensive experience that can benefit local governments as well. We are involved in the analysis of the operational characteristics of the local government system.  In order to promote the local economic development efforts of local governments we conduct urban development and economic analyses and elaborate economic development tools.

About us

Our Economic Development division has diverse and valuable experience in business expansions, economic development, and development policy strategies.

We assist our clients in adapting existing strategies to the current market and economic situation, and in developing lower and higher-level regulatory regimes.  Furthermore, we use our considerable consulting experience to support the actors of Hungarian economic and development policy institutions in the design, development, implementation and modification of sectoral and EU development programmes and measures.  We support market clients with our expertise in achieving their goals to raise external funds for their investments.

portré 24 kiss ákos
Ákos Kiss


He graduated from the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration and the Faculty of Foreign Trade at the Budapest Business School. He started his career in the public sector, where he held senior positions in both regional and central public administration institutions. Since 2008, he has been working as a consultant on EU funding policy, resource mobilisation and business development projects, and since he has been responsible for several institutional and SME development projects at leading financial institutions as a business unit and division manager. His fields of expertise include the creation and operation of urban funds (for local economic development), fundraising consulting and business development, and he has supportied the internationalisation of Hungarian businesses. He joined Századvég Konjunktúrakutató in 2020I as Head of the Economic Development division.

Együttműködő partnereink

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem

Állatorvostudományi Egyetem

Focusing on Economic Development

Business consulting

For our market clients, we offer professional support in raising funds for their specific development needs, including financial consulting on business planning, economic impact assessment of investments, and representation before potential financing institutions. We also support our clients in developing their corporate strategy, which we reinforce with research activities. We offer them consulting services for their organisational restructuring and development projects.

Policy consulting and research

Our policy consulting services focus on supporting specific areas of economic policy intervention, sector strategies and policy analysis. Our division regularly advises on economic policy and development policy concepts and studies and supports Hungarian EU policy and development policy institutions.

Municipality consulting

Our division has extensive experience that can benefit local governments as well. We are involved in the analysis of the operational characteristics of the local government system.  In order to promote the local economic development efforts of local governments we conduct urban development and economic analyses and elaborate economic development tools.

We provide a wide array of solutions



Strategic planning

Creating corporate strategies and supporting the business planning process for key economic players.


Policy and industry reports, surveys and studies.


Analysis of regional development processes, regional planning, preparation of policy reports.


Analysis of business and local government operations, elaboration of development proposals.

Organisational development

EU policy consulting, support to the development and the operations of national institutional systems.

Együttműködések, amelyekre büszkék vagyunk

Fontosabb referenciamunkáink

Projekt neve

Átalakuló felsőoktatás – a modellváló intézmények működése, jövőbeni lehetőségei.


Kormányzati szereplő



Fő témakörök

Nemzetközi benchmark; hazai egyetemek stratégiai dokumentumainak elemzése;  Interjúelemzés egyetemi vezetőkkel; Kérdőíves adatfelvétel a hallgatók körében.


Nemzetközi benchmark a nemzetközi és európai top egyetemekről; desk research kutatás a hazai modellváltó egyetemek stratégiai dokumentumairól; kérdőíves adatfelvétel ezen egyetemek hallgatói körében; félig strukturált interjúk az egyetemi vezetőkkel.

Projekt neve

A műszaki háttérrel rendelkező győri Széchenyi Egyetem egészségipari/egészségtechnológiai Kompetencia Központjának megvalósíthatósági tanulmánya, költségvetési hatáselemzése.


Kormányzati szereplő



Fő témakörök

Háttér, elvárások; SWOT analízis; Nemzetközi összehasonlítás, piackutatás; célcsoportok beazonosítása, elemzése; kompetencia, infrastruktúra, szolgáltatási lehetőségek beazonosítása az egyetemnél; igényfelmérés a célcsoport tagjainál; Javaslat a működtetésre (szervezeti, menedzsment és egyéb téren egyaránt)


Desk research – áttekintés a hazai és nemzetközi iránymutatásokról Összefoglaló a best practice modellekről, milyen módosítás/egyetemre szabás után válhat alkalmazhatóvá. Félig strukturált interjúk a legfontosabb szereplőkkel.    Az összefoglaló elemzésben a fentieken túl javaslat a megrendelőnek, hogy milyen területeken és milyen módszertannal van lehetőség az ideális megvalósításra, a fenntartható működésre.

Partnereink visszajelzései

No data was found

Latest reports

An overwhelming majority (87%) of Hungarian consumers think that it is fundamentally positive when a product is Hungarian: they prefer Hungarian goods, and this is encouraging news for Hungarian businesses. Detailed data in the October 2023 survey by Századvég Konjunktúrakutató show that Hungarian consumers have a significantly higher preference for domestic products when buying food than when buying other products.
Creative industries have been a recognised driver of developed economies for decades. All over the world, the vast majority of products with high added value are still designed in Europe and the US, and only their production has been relocated to Asia. These products are distributed around the world through European and American companies, brands and retailers. Therefore, Hungary is typically only involved in these global processes through minor manufacturing and logistics operations, and primarily on the consumer side. Századvég Konjunktúrakutató has conducted a comprehensive analysis to explore how Hungary could strengthen its role in this industry.

Contact us!

In addition to the general services mentioned above, you can request a consultation using the contact form below:

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