Education and Innovation

“Perseverance is as important as inspiration to make our ideas a reality.”

The two areas are themselves very important and involve many actors: they are the subject of important socio-economic and public interest research projects and studies. The professional knowledge in our business, as well as our motto, enables us to identify the underlying factors behind certain processes and changes, and to formulate forward-looking proposals.


Higher education

The classic roles and objectives of universities have expanded in recent decades, supported by a continued focus on planned innovation and the role of knowledge. Attitude and skills development for university teaching and research staff, as well as broadening their knowledge of entrepreneurship and intellectual property rights, have also become crucial.  The massification of higher […]

Defence innovation

Internationally, it is generally true that the technological and operational advantages along which countries achieve their ultimate goal of military industrial independence are of paramount importance. Our research findings suggest that the following factors influence the development of a successful national defence industry:  geopolitical factors  historical factors the resources available national capacity for innovation

Cultural innovation

Innovation can be understood not only in science and higher education, but also in the cultural space. The ideal of the 21st century museum is emerging, with a focus on community organising roles. A typical solution for international museums is to organise several museums in a single umbrella institution, which opens up opportunities for professional cooperation. […]

Public education and digitisation

As in so many areas, it was the fourth industrial revolution and the boom in smart devices that turned the tide. Over the last two decades, educational science has reached a broad consensus on the need for educational technology. This was not a mere “bowing” to trends, but the result of a major paradigm shift. […]

Higher education

The classic roles and objectives of universities have expanded in recent decades, supported by a continued focus on planned innovation and the role of knowledge. Attitude and skills development for university teaching and research staff, as well as broadening their knowledge of entrepreneurship and intellectual property rights, have also become crucial.  The massification of higher […]

Defence innovation

Internationally, it is generally true that the technological and operational advantages along which countries achieve their ultimate goal of military industrial independence are of paramount importance. Our research findings suggest that the following factors influence the development of a successful national defence industry:  geopolitical factors  historical factors the resources available national capacity for innovation

Cultural innovation

Innovation can be understood not only in science and higher education, but also in the cultural space. The ideal of the 21st century museum is emerging, with a focus on community organising roles. A typical solution for international museums is to organise several museums in a single umbrella institution, which opens up opportunities for professional cooperation. […]

Public education and digitisation

As in so many areas, it was the fourth industrial revolution and the boom in smart devices that turned the tide. Over the last two decades, educational science has reached a broad consensus on the need for educational technology. This was not a mere “bowing” to trends, but the result of a major paradigm shift. […]

About us

Education and innovation go hand in hand, they are mutually supportive and mutually beneficial.

We support public and market actors with our knowledge as sociologists, educational researchers, pedagogical experts, lawyers, economists, innovation managers and intellectual property (IP) specialists. Today, we know that some questions require common expertise; education and innovation go hand in hand, they induce and support each other’s development. Whether it’s corporate training, e-learning curriculum development, intellectual property portfolio assessment, strategy development, we offer a multifaceted approach to our clients.

She graduated as a lawyer and economist and obtained her academic degree at the University of Pécs. She started her career in public administration, has been a researcher and lecturer in law for more than 10 years and in medicine for 5 years. She has extensive knowledge and experience of the IT sector in relation to the competitive sector. She has been working in the legal and strategic area of higher education and doctoral studies, and in the preparation of research and development projects and university innovation management since 2016. She joined Századvég Konjunktúrakutató Zrt. in 2020, and has been the head of the Education and Innovation division since 2021. She and her colleagues also support the competitiveness of higher education and research and the strengthening of the Hungarian innovation ecosystem through primary research.

Együttműködő partnereink

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem

Állatorvostudományi Egyetem

Focusing on Education and Innovation

Higher education

The classic roles and objectives of universities have expanded in recent decades, supported by a continued focus on planned innovation and the role of knowledge. Attitude and skills development for university teaching and research staff, as well as broadening their knowledge of entrepreneurship and intellectual property rights, have also become crucial.  The massification of higher education has widened the range of stakeholders, increased the role of social expenditure and, in this context, has made higher education an economic centre, which requires a different governance policy. 

The international context also shows that, as the principles of marketisation come to the foreground, the strengthening of universities’ capacity for self-sustainability is an important aspect.  Expectation: facilitate partnerships between institutions, government and industries in key regional clusters. In order to fulfil their unique function as change catalysts, they need to take on the roles of both targets and catalysts of change, ensuring that they exemplify the approaches and impacts they want to trigger.

Important criteria in international rankings include:
– extensive citations in social sciences
– academic reputation
– international relations (staff, students and research)
– industrial revenues (knowledge transfer)
– In order for Hungarian institutions to achieve a more prominent ranking, a change in institutional and sectoral governance approaches and methods is needed. 

We conduct comprehensive analyses on the above topics and produce decision-support materials using primary data collection methods. We conduct research projects for universities to support them in achieving their own strategic goals and help them define those goals.

Defence innovation

Internationally, it is generally true that the technological and operational advantages along which countries achieve their ultimate goal of military industrial independence are of paramount importance.

Our research findings suggest that the following factors influence the development of a successful national defence industry
– geopolitical factors 
– historical factors
– the resources available
– national capacity for innovation

Cultural innovation

Innovation can be understood not only in science and higher education, but also in the cultural space. The ideal of the 21st century museum is emerging, with a focus on community organising roles.

A typical solution for international museums is to organise several museums in a single umbrella institution, which opens up opportunities for professional cooperation. Museums with different themes, but related in their basic topics and research areas, can operate while maintaining their uniqueness. 

The spread of digitisation has expanded the range of museum services, with the emergence of virtual exhibitions. The next few years will decide where and what the role of this type of exhibition can be.

Among museum activities, the museums’ activities in support of education stand out. Two forms of this are the provision of teaching aids and the organisation of teacher training courses related to the museum’s themes. This creates Open Educational Resources, which play an important role in preparing teachers methodologically and supporting their digital competences.

Public education and digitisation

As in so many areas, it was the fourth industrial revolution and the boom in smart devices that turned the tide. Over the last two decades, educational science has reached a broad consensus on the need for educational technology. This was not a mere “bowing” to trends, but the result of a major paradigm shift.

The importance of competence development, so-called 21st century competences such as creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication, as well as the importance of digital competence, have become prominent.

Digital education solutions in the wake of the pandemic have amplified and brought to the surface systemic experiences. Teachers and the situation of teachers play an indisputable role in these trends.

We provide a wide array of solutions




Cleaning up existing databases, identifying correlations, formulating proposals.


An international overview of the challenges of the academic or market area to be assessed, allowing the comparison of phenomena from different perspectives. Preparing background materials for policy and strategic materials at short notice.

Desk research

An overview of, among other things, licensing agreements related to the service/product in question, or a detailed examination of specific areas of innovation or education.

Focus group data collection

A method for understanding the attitudes of the target group for the introduction of a product/service, or for a deeper understanding of certain processes and phenomena.

Intellectual property management

Development and assessment of IP portfolios and innovation strategies for conscious development.


Semi-structured interviews, e.g. about openness to a particular development, experiences, for a deeper understanding of the issues under study.


Questionnaires to collect data from the public or companies, for example on the product to be sold, in connection with a process, to find out public opinion, are an important method for preparing decisions.

RDI partners

Finding partners for RDI proposals and incorporating their experience into the proposal.

Our services are available to both higher education institutions and SMEs and large companies that want to move towards the future and need professional assistance. Whether it’s the launch or evaluation of a new product or service, the development of strategies, the preparation of internal training materials, or the creation of complex or cross-divisional methodological banks. Shared knowledge adds value and supports development.

Együttműködések, amelyekre büszkék vagyunk

Fontosabb referenciamunkáink

Projekt neve

Átalakuló felsőoktatás – a modellváló intézmények működése, jövőbeni lehetőségei.


Kormányzati szereplő



Fő témakörök

Nemzetközi benchmark; hazai egyetemek stratégiai dokumentumainak elemzése;  Interjúelemzés egyetemi vezetőkkel; Kérdőíves adatfelvétel a hallgatók körében.


Nemzetközi benchmark a nemzetközi és európai top egyetemekről; desk research kutatás a hazai modellváltó egyetemek stratégiai dokumentumairól; kérdőíves adatfelvétel ezen egyetemek hallgatói körében; félig strukturált interjúk az egyetemi vezetőkkel.

Projekt neve

A műszaki háttérrel rendelkező győri Széchenyi Egyetem egészségipari/egészségtechnológiai Kompetencia Központjának megvalósíthatósági tanulmánya, költségvetési hatáselemzése.


Kormányzati szereplő



Fő témakörök

Háttér, elvárások; SWOT analízis; Nemzetközi összehasonlítás, piackutatás; célcsoportok beazonosítása, elemzése; kompetencia, infrastruktúra, szolgáltatási lehetőségek beazonosítása az egyetemnél; igényfelmérés a célcsoport tagjainál; Javaslat a működtetésre (szervezeti, menedzsment és egyéb téren egyaránt)


Desk research – áttekintés a hazai és nemzetközi iránymutatásokról Összefoglaló a best practice modellekről, milyen módosítás/egyetemre szabás után válhat alkalmazhatóvá. Félig strukturált interjúk a legfontosabb szereplőkkel.    Az összefoglaló elemzésben a fentieken túl javaslat a megrendelőnek, hogy milyen területeken és milyen módszertannal van lehetőség az ideális megvalósításra, a fenntartható működésre.

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