The changing external environment and customer expectations are creating unprecedented challenges for business and governments alike. There is a growing demand for more socially and environmentally sustainable business operations, while transformative technologies can erase well-established business models and create new ones. Sustainability and innovation are intertwined in an unprecedented way.
We provide expert support in designing support and financing programmes adapted to the corporate innovation life cycle, by carrying out background analyses, primary data collection and GAP analyses.
Our experts continuously monitor the latest international technological trends and are in contact with the key stakeholders of the Hungarian innovation ecosystem through primary data collection in order to identify the breakthrough points of the Hungarian economy and to formulate relevant recommendations for all actors to exploit them.
Traditional industry classifications are constantly being superseded by technological innovation and the emergence of new industries and businesses. This requires not only new methodological approaches, but also continuous business contacts and the mapping and understanding of new and innovative industries to make the right policy and business decisions.
Monitoring international market and regulatory practices related to ESG, collecting and analysing Hungarian corporate experience and making proactive recommendations to business and regulators.
We produce analyses on current issues of business innovation as well as the functioning and results of innovation ecosystems. We help to connect actors for effective innovation management, providing advice and knowledge to support their work.
We provide expert support in designing support and financing programmes adapted to the corporate innovation life cycle, by carrying out background analyses, primary data collection and GAP analyses.
Our experts continuously monitor the latest international technological trends and are in contact with the key stakeholders of the Hungarian innovation ecosystem through primary data collection in order to identify the breakthrough points of the Hungarian economy and to formulate relevant recommendations for all actors to exploit them.
Traditional industry classifications are constantly being superseded by technological innovation and the emergence of new industries and businesses. This requires not only new methodological approaches, but also continuous business contacts and the mapping and understanding of new and innovative industries to make the right policy and business decisions.
Monitoring international market and regulatory practices related to ESG, collecting and analysing Hungarian corporate experience and making proactive recommendations to business and regulators.
We produce analyses on current issues of business innovation as well as the functioning and results of innovation ecosystems. We help to connect actors for effective innovation management, providing advice and knowledge to support their work.
We provide expert support in designing support and financing programmes adapted to the corporate innovation life cycle, by carrying out background analyses, primary data collection and GAP analyses.
Our experts continuously monitor the latest international technological trends and are in contact with the key stakeholders of the Hungarian innovation ecosystem through primary data collection in order to identify the breakthrough points of the Hungarian economy and to formulate relevant recommendations for all actors to exploit them.
Traditional industry classifications are constantly being superseded by technological innovation and the emergence of new industries and businesses. This requires not only new methodological approaches, but also continuous business contacts and the mapping and understanding of new and innovative industries to make the right policy and business decisions.
Monitoring international market and regulatory practices related to ESG, collecting and analysing Hungarian corporate experience and making proactive recommendations to business and regulators.
We produce analyses on current issues of business innovation as well as the functioning and results of innovation ecosystems. We help to connect actors for effective innovation management, providing advice and knowledge to support their work.
We provide expert support in designing support and financing programmes adapted to the corporate innovation life cycle, by carrying out background analyses, primary data collection and GAP analyses.
Our experts continuously monitor the latest international technological trends and are in contact with the key stakeholders of the Hungarian innovation ecosystem through primary data collection in order to identify the breakthrough points of the Hungarian economy and to formulate relevant recommendations for all actors to exploit them.
Traditional industry classifications are constantly being superseded by technological innovation and the emergence of new industries and businesses. This requires not only new methodological approaches, but also continuous business contacts and the mapping and understanding of new and innovative industries to make the right policy and business decisions.
Monitoring international market and regulatory practices related to ESG, collecting and analysing Hungarian corporate experience and making proactive recommendations to business and regulators.
The links between sustainable business models and innovation are of growing importance for companies, offering a range of benefits that can help them remain competitive. Whether it’s innovation in energy management, corporate governance, digitalisation of production and operations, or product development, the need for environmental and social sustainability is increasingly emerging alongside business performance.
Following ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) guidelines also encourages innovation. And implementing innovative solutions will enable companies to meet ESG requirements, thus improving their environmental, social and governance performance. This synergy will increase the competitiveness and sustainability of companies in the long term. This not only has a positive impact at the level of individual companies but is also key to the future competitiveness of national economies.
In our Innovation and Corporate Sustainability Division, we draw on both practical insights from businesses and the strategic approach required by policy-making. Our experts support economic actors in implementing sustainable business models, the wider business development ecosystem in knowledge development, and regulators with strategic advice, evaluation and analysis.
He is a business development and ESG expert, graduated from Corvinus University of Budapest and Pázmány Péter Catholic University. He started his career in an international consultancy, gaining significant experience in policy advice and evaluation projects across Europe. Between 2016 and 2018, he was a senior researcher at the Századvég Foundation, and later head of several priority programmes for business development. He was Deputy State Secretary for Business Development between 2020 and 2022.
In 2024, he rejoined Századvég as director of the Innovation and Corporate Sustainability Division. He is passionate about corporate sustainability and knowledge development related to technological and organisational innovation, which is a cornerstone for the further development of the Hungarian SME sector and the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem
Állatorvostudományi Egyetem
We produce analyses on current issues of business innovation as well as the functioning and results of innovation ecosystems. We help to connect actors for effective innovation management, providing advice and knowledge to support their work.
Our experts continuously monitor the latest international technological trends and are in contact with the key stakeholders of the Hungarian innovation ecosystem through primary data collection in order to identify the breakthrough points of the Hungarian economy and to formulate relevant recommendations for all actors to exploit them.
Traditional industry classifications are constantly being superseded by technological innovation and the emergence of new industries and businesses. This requires not only new methodological approaches, but also continuous business contacts and the mapping and understanding of new and innovative industries to make the right policy and business decisions.
Monitoring international market and regulatory practices related to ESG, collecting and analysing Hungarian corporate experience and making proactive recommendations to business and regulators.
Preparing sector strategies and policy analyses related to the latest innovation and sustainability trends for both public and business actors.
Expert support and quality assurance for the preparation of strategy documents, baseline studies, periodic reports, research and analyses and quality assurance and expert support for digitisation development projects.
Preparation/review of regular and on-demand expert materials, ad hoc consultations, presentations, lectures, short summaries, expert materials and preparatory materials.
An international overview of the challenges in the academic or market area of interest. Providing background material for the preparation of policy and strategic material, within short deadlines.
Cleaning up existing databases, identifying correlations and formulating proposals.
Conducting analyses based on quantitative and qualitative business surveys.
Analysis of the companies in individual sectors, including a financial breakdown, and a description of the sector’s operating environment.
In addition to the general services mentioned above, you can request a consultation using the contact form below:
HU-1037 Budapest,
Hidegkuti Nándor u. 8-10.
E-mail address
+36 1 479 5290
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