The expansion of the war must be avoided

For more than a year, the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been going on, and Brussels’ sanctions and supplies of arms and munitions in support of Ukraine have not been able to prevent it from prolonging. In parallel with the escalation of the armed conflict, public concern about the expansion of the war appeared. According to research data,

more than three-quarters (76 percent) of Hungarians are worried that in the near future the Russo-Ukrainian armed conflict may escalate into a third world war, and our country – as a member of NATO – may become affected.

Among other things, the danger of the escalation of the war can be explained by the fact that the Hungarians – like the trends of recent months – are clearly opposed to the steps that will result in a move further away from the conclusion of peace and an early, compromise end to the conflict. It is easy to see that

some forms of military-type assistance (such as the purchase of weapons and the training of soldiers) significantly increase the risk of becoming a belligerent.


76 percent of those surveyed do not agree with the European Union and its members buying more weapons for Ukraine, and 72 percent oppose the European Union training Ukrainian soldiers.

Popular disapproval of pro-war and pro-sanctions politicians has become constant

It is related to the consistent pro-peace stance of the Hungarian population that the perception of leading politicians who advocate the war and the continuation of Brussels’ sanctions policy continues to show a negative image.

Seventy-one percent of respondents expressed an unfavourable opinion of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and 64 percent of respondents expressed an unfavourable opinion of U.S. President Joe Biden. Sixty-two percent of Hungarians had a negative opinion of Volodymyr Zelensky, and more than half of those polled had a negative opinion of Ursula von der Leyen.

To conclude, it can be stated that despite the international criticism of Hungary,

Hungarians remain committed to pursuing a pro-peace policy

and do not support the steps and measures that help to further prolong the war.

• Methodology

CATI-method, n=1000, among the Hungarian adult population, data collection: February 2023.