Kinga Kenyeres
Chief Executive Officer
Századvég was established in 1993 as an intellectual workshop of the young generation that played an active role in the political changes of 1989-1990 in Hungary. The founders’ aim was to create an intellectual and professional base to provide reliable support for Hungarian opinion leaders in a period of social and economic transition.
In the 30 years since then, the world around us has not become less controversial, but it has accelerated considerably, flooding us with an almost unimaginable amount of possibilities and impulses. As complication has increased, so has problem complexity, while we have to form opinions on more and more abstract and relatively distant issues.
Századvég’s mission is to help you see clearly so that you can make better decisions. And good decisions require two things: clear objectives and substantial information.
We work to learn and understand Hungarian and international economic and social processes, and thus provide useful and understandable knowledge to decision-makers, whether they are corporate, governmental or private.
HU-1037 Budapest,
Hidegkuti Nándor u. 8-10.
E-mail address
+36 1 479 5290
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Frissítettük feltételeinket
Javasoljuk, hogy tekintse át frissített adatvédelmi és adatkezelési tájékoztatónkat, valamint jogi nyilatkozatunkat. A folytatással elfogadja az itt felsorolt frissített feltételeket.