Pandemic control in Europe and Hungary

The research of Századvég Europe Project 2021 covering 30 European countries shows that the coronavirus remains one of the most important challenges for the continent’s residents, but in the second half of 2021 it was realized in the specific expectations for the government. A smaller part of the countries, including Hungary, are basically satisfied with […]

Péter Márki-Zay’s policy is guided by George Soros and globalist interests

Péter Márki-Zay has already professed faith on several occasions in the idea of an open society dreamed up by George Soros. His thoughts on migration in 2018 that “it is important to have an inclusive, loving society” were followed by an even stronger statement in 2019, in which he said that “Overall, large-scale, simultaneous immigration […]

EU citizens still view those entering the EU as economic immigrants

2021 – illegal migration is in focus again Immigration to Europe has increased significantly in recent decades through both legal and illegal channels.1 Immigrants from third countries have created increasingly large diasporas in key Western and Northern EU Member States. Although it is difficult to get a comprehensive and accurate picture of the social consequences of […]

V4 countries are committed Europeans and adhere to Christian cultural roots

The citizens of the V4 countries are committed Europeans, but they are interested in the cooperation of nation-states instead of a federal Europe with homogenising efforts. At EU level, one of today’s most pressing strategic debates is about its future. One camp wants to shift the EU towards a federal United States of Europe, while […]

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