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The international NGO Human Rights Watch, a New York-based organization with a politically strong liberal commitment, has produced an 85-page methodologically unconvincing, i.e., professionally inadequately grounded report on our country, criticising the 2022 parliamentary elections and making unfounded criticisms in several places. In terms of finances, the organization linked to the network of Open Society Foundations funded by George Soros stated in the document that the legal and official protection of personal data in Hungary is inadequately ensured, thereby it seriously violates the principles of the rule of law.
A political action committee – which can raise funds from any legal source – cannot be accepted as having republican values if, immediately after its establishment, it turns against its own, in this case Donald Trump, and thus the veil has been lifted off its real aims. In addition to the fact that the infighting within Republican circles has eventually turned into a public political attack by this organization, the situation is further nuanced by the millions of dollars in support immediately coming from the left-liberal empire. The question arises as to who is the real Republican then, but in the end the political intent is clearly visible if the organization’s criticism has also reached Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.
HCLU and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee claim the priority representation of basic human rights – and asylum rights, which, according to some, cannot be separated from them. It is reasonable to ask whether the representation of these rights fills a gap or rather achieves goals that serve other interests. While Hungary and the European Court of Justice agree that the transparency of grants provided for NGOs with a major influence on public life and public debate remains an international and constitutional interest in the future, HCLU and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, as the only anointed defenders of human rights in Hungary, are hiding behind this disguise and use significant foreign funding to carry out anti-government and political activities. Meanwhile, the Hungarian State’s argument is recognised by the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Justice as well.
War is raging in Europe and the continent is facing an unprecedented, all-encompassing energy crisis, but Brussels continues to wage an ideological warfare against its own Member States, especially those that reject migration and extreme political trends. The latest report of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, which is based on among others a report of the George Soros-funded NGOs that call themselves defenders of human rights and civilians, makes several false allegations against Hungary and the operation of our country. The document is expected to serve as a reference for the rule of law report to be published by the European Commission in July.
In various reports disguised as legal ones, the European Commission is continuing its series of intervention attempts to condemn countries that do not embrace the ideology of open societies. The Sargentini report and the rule of law country reports of the last two years should all be seen as a political attack on Member States that stand up for national sovereignty and against illegal migration, since the allegations therein, which can be clearly refuted by law and facts, have been made disproportionately only against Poland and Hungary. Based on this experience, this year’s report is not expected to paint a positive picture of the state of democracy in Hungary, but the NGOs funded by George Soros will presumably reflect the opinion dictated by their patron instead, in line with the left-liberal narrative of Brussels.
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