Alvino-Mario Fantini

European Conservative

Alvino-Mario Fantini is the editor-in-chief and publisher of The European Conservative, a quarterly journal and media company with offices in Brussels, Budapest, and Vienna.

An artist, editor, journalist, and publisher, Mario has been a bohemian, a contrarian, and an outsider for much of his life—never quite ‘fitting in.’ This has led to him having some harsh experiences (in academic and professional settings) with the ‘politically correct’, ‘the woke’, and other cultural Yahoos. This has made him particularly allergic to arbitrary rules, bureaucracies, dehumanizing regulations, and totalitarian political projects.

A graduate of Dartmouth College, he is a winner of numerous prestigious fellowships and a collector of numerous marginally-useful Masters degrees.

A member of the Philadelphia Society, Mont Pelerin Society, Johnson Society of London, and Vanenburg Society, he is currently a non-resident fellow of the Russell Kirk Center and the Abigail Adams Institute.

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