The Future of American Hegemony from a Hungarian Perspective
The United States undeniably became the central player in the global power system in the second half of the 20th century. American economic, military, and cultural dominance significantly shaped the post-Cold War world order, and the concept of the “American Dream” that emerged in the 19th-20th centuries entered the public consciousness as a kind […]
The Hungarian economy grew below its historical trend
At its July meeting, the Monetary Council of the central bank continued to cut both the policy rate and the base rate, as it had done in the previous month. As a result, the base rate (and the policy rate) in Hungary is currently at 6.75%, after a 25 basis point cut. In May, retail […]
The sense of prosperity fell slightly in August
The prosperity index remained in negative territory, determined by the prolonged Russia-Ukraine war and the uncertainty caused by economic sanctions. Significant improvement in economic expectations will be possible if the war ends, inflation remains in the central bank’s target range (between 2% and 4%), the interest rate environment becomes more favourable and energy markets […]
The sense of prosperity fell slightly in July
The prosperity index remained in negative territory, determined by the prolonged Russia-Ukraine war and the uncertainty caused by economic sanctions. Significant improvement in economic expectations will be possible if the war ends, inflation remains in the central bank’s target range (between 2% and 4%), the interest rate environment becomes more favourable and energy markets […]
The importance and mobilisation of voters with an immigrant background in France
First, we will outline some key points regarding the significance of Muslim votes in French politics, as well as in the broader context of European politics. Next, we will examine the background of Muslim immigration to France. Following this, we will discuss the voting trends of voters with Muslim backgrounds up to 2024. Finally, […]
Ursula von der Leyen –
expert or career politician?
The focus is on political progress First of all, it is important to note that Von der Leyen, who has a medical degree, held a total of four ministerial positions in Germany – in the federal government and the government of Lower Saxony – before her EU career, only one of which was connected – […]
The growth rate of the Hungarian economy exceeded the historical trend
At its June meeting, the Monetary Council of the central bank continued to cut both the policy rate and the base rate, as it had done in the previous month. As a result, the base rate (and the policy rate) in Hungary is currently at 7.0%, after a 25 basis point cut. In April, retail […]
Freedom and Hamburger – How do Hungarians view American culture and lifestyle?
The American Dream Through Hungarian Eyes- Our series explores how Hungarians perceive the United States’ society, culture, and the country’s international role and significance. What image do we have of the American way of life? How do we view American society? How do we assess Hungarian-American relations? What do we think about the USA’s […]
Ursula von der Leyen’s presidency is marred by a series of failures and discontent
On 18 June, for the first time since the European Parliament elections, the Heads of State and Government of the European Union meet for an informal working dinner which focused on an exchange of views on the future leaders in Brussels. Although no formal decision has been taken yet on filling the top EU posts, […]
Economic expectations of households and businesses improved significantly in June
The prosperity index remained in negative territory, determined by the prolonged Russia-Ukraine war and the uncertainty caused by economic sanctions. Further significant improvement in economic expectations will be possible if the war ends, inflation remains in the central bank’s target range (between 2% and 4%), the interest rate environment becomes more favourable and energy […]
Brussels would push Hungary into an utilities trap
The European Commission, led by Ursula von der Leyen, has called on Hungary to scrap its rationing programme in a recent country-specific recommendation. The reasoning is that low rates do not provide sufficient incentives for energy efficiency investments and, according to the Commission, it is unnecessary to maintain subsidies at current market prices. However, […]
Growing domestic demand with a more optimistic outlook
Hungarian inflation averaged 17.1% in 2023, but the inflation rate was declining throughout the year and continued to do so in the first half of 2024. We expect the disinflationary process to continue, although inflation is expected to pick up towards the end of the year. Overall, inflation could fall to 4.1% in 2024, […]
European and Hungarian public opinion opposes the forced resettlement of migrants
In May 2024, the European Council adopted a migration pact, already voted by the European Parliament in April, and its detailed implementation plan was presented to the public in Brussels on 12 June by Ylva Johansson, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs. Among other things, the Brussels pact provides for the legally mandatory distribution of illegal migrants between […]
The countryside in the shadow of migration – Lessons from Southern Europe
Migration to Europe from outside the continent is largely, and most noticeably, an urban phenomenon. In some countries, however, the presence of migrants has an equally significant impact on rural areas. The European Mediterranean (EUMed) countries are on the frontline of migration from outside Europe, at the borders of radically different cultures, so it […]
The growth rate of the Hungarian economy was above the historical trend for 6 months
At its May meeting, the Monetary Council of the central bank continued to cut both the policy rate and the base rate, as it had done in the previous month. As a result, the base rate (and the policy rate) in Hungary is currently at 7.25%, after a 50 basis point cut. In March, turnover […]
European visions for defence industry developments – Vision for the future in the light of EU strategies
The European Union Defence Industrial Strategy The EDIS (European Defence Industrial Strategy) is based on the premise that, after decades of peace following the Second World War, the outbreak of the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine in 2022 and NATO’s response to it have made it clear that the world order, based on the […]
French urban policy and migration
France is arguably the country with the largest immigration population in Europe. 8.6 million people who were born outside of France made up 13.3% of the country’s total population in 2021. The top three countries of birth were Algeria (16%), Morocco (12%), and Portugal (7%). 2020 saw the long-term or permanent admission of 238 000 new […]
Digital technologies could be the key driver for the transition to a circular economy
The circular economy aims to reduce the impact of production activities and consumption on the natural environment and to keep the raw materials that can be reused and recycled from products in a resource-efficient cycle. With the spread of digitisation, there is a growing belief that, in addition to external factors (e.g. scarcity of […]
Danish urban policy and migration
Since 2010, Denmark has drawn up a so-called “ghetto list” every year, based on criteria such as higher than average unemployment and crime rates, lower than average educational attainment and a high proportion of first- or second-generation immigrants.[1] In our analysis, we first present the political background, then present data on migration and urban […]
Technological improvements are at the heart of international industrial development strategies
Our research sought to understand how industrial strategies in developed countries approach the challenges facing individual industries, what objectives are set in relation to these challenges, what fundamental aspects (sustainability, technological adaptation, geographical location, knowledge-based approach, etc.) are considered, and what instruments are assigned to each objective in order to maximise the contribution of […]