Századvég held a conference on social groups in Hungary between 2019 and 2024

In her welcome speech, Kinga Kenyeres, Director General of the Századvég Foundation, said that the aim of the recent research on social groups is to enable a wider academic and interested audience to learn about the social processes taking place. She also stressed that such a paper could be important for decision-makers as well, as […]

Businesses’ sense of prosperity improved significantly in January

The prosperity index remained in negative territory, determined by the uncertainty caused by the prolonged Russia-Ukraine war and the economic sanctions. Significant improvement in economic expectations is likely to occur if the war ends, inflation remains in the central bank’s target range (between 2% and 4%), the interest rate environment becomes more favourable, and energy […]

Gulf, Canadian and Australian sponsorship schemes and their applicability in the European Union

Introduction Sponsorship is the legal process of importing foreign workers, subject to specific rules and restrictions. The Gulf countries have been the main adopters of this for more than fifty years. Similar legal instruments are used by other countries, such as Canada and Australia. The functioning of sponsorship schemes in different countries and their experiences provide […]

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