V4 countries are committed Europeans and adhere to Christian cultural roots

The citizens of the V4 countries are committed Europeans, but they are interested in the cooperation of nation-states instead of a federal Europe with homogenising efforts. At EU level, one of today’s most pressing strategic debates is about its future. One camp wants to shift the EU towards a federal United States of Europe, while […]

The role of NGOs in the rule of law mechanism

Under the rule of law mechanism, the main bodies of the European Union (EU), the Commission (EC), the Parliament (EP), and the Council (EC), as well as the parliaments of the Member States, civil society, and other stakeholders, hold an annual dialogue on the rule of law. One of the official purposes of the mechanism […]

The importance of the institution of the family is unquestionable across Europe

In addition to / instead of immigration, family support is preferred by Europeans It has intensified after the immigration crisis in 2015 and long been debated that the above-mentioned demographic problems should be rather addressed by family policy instruments, either by policy interventions to encourage childbearing, and / or by allowing or even encouraging small […]

There is growing support for nuclear energy in Europe

In recent years, essentially, there have been no more technical arguments against nuclear power. The specific life cycle CO2 emissions of the technology fall into the same category as solar and wind energy, but its land use is much more favourable than that of those. According to statistics, nuclear power plants have resulted in fewer […]

Foreign-funded NGOs are not investigating allegations of corruption on the left

A month ago, the Hungarian public was shaken by the possibility that the left-wing leadership of Budapest planned the sale of the heritage-listed City Hall building. The leadership of the capital denied the news surrounding the sale from the beginning. Gergely Karácsony, mayor of Budapest, clearly stated that “no decision has been made on the […]


The selected results of the research were presented by Viktor Wurm, senior researcher of Social Research Institute of Századvég, followed by the reflection of four guest speakers: János Balázs Kocsis, deputy head of the Hungarian Society for Urban Planning, Diana Haase, research manager, European Parliament, Committee on Regional Development, Mátyás Szabó, DG Agriculture & Rural Development […]

The international left would remake reality in its own image

Funded by the European Commission (EC), the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), an independent institution controlled by the European University Institute in Florence, started its activity in 2020 for the official purpose of coordinating the work of the fact-finding centres and editorial offices set up in the Member States, the disciplinary research on fake news […]

The visit of the LIBE Committee is a direct intervention in Hungarian domestic politics

The European Parliament previously opposed influencing national elections On 29 September 2021, seven members of the European Parliament’s LIBE Committee visited Hungary, spending three days here, with the (official) aim of “getting information about local conditions” and getting an idea of whether the situation of the rule of law in Hungary had changed since the […]

The relationship between the LIBE Committee and NGOs

The European Parliament’s (EP) Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) acts as a standing committee of the plenary body and is responsible for civil liberties, including the minority rights declared in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, justice, and home affairs. It is perhaps no exaggeration to say that […]

Brussels needs to change its climate policy

Over the last ten years, documents issued by the European Commission have steered Member States towards a systematic downsizing of the production capacities of fossil fuels and conventional energy production methods, as well as the deregulation of household energy prices. The idea behind the efforts is to force supply chain actors to switch to renewable-based […]

Companies’ awareness and assessment of the climate goals

The research results were presented by László Kökény, research author of the Climate & Energy Advisory of Századvég, followed by the reflection of three guest speakers     Anna Iara, Policy officer, European Commission, Directorate-General for Climate Action – Governance and Effort Sharing;     Ilona Vári, Head of EU Regulatory Affairs at MOL Group; and […]

Hungarian Microenterprises Have a Significant Lag in the Digitalisation – Századvég Research on the Digital Readiness of Microenterprises

Take-aways of the event: The COVID-19 pandemic did not have a significant effect on the digital transformation of microenterprises. Handling the question of digital transformation cannot be solved through simple, one-off interventions and requires complex approaches. Dedicated institutional approaches are expected to lead to better results: the main role of the institutions is to find […]

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