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In French elections, the Muslim votes refer to the votes of French citizens of Maghrebi (Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian), Turkish, and West African (primarily from Mali, Senegal, and Guinea) descent. Left-wing politicians, sociologists, and political scientists have long questioned the existence of "Muslim votes," arguing that French Muslims are full-fledged citizens who have the right to vote freely and individually. In recent years, however, the alliance between Muslim communities and the left, known in France as "Islamo-leftism," has become increasingly accepted in both academic analyses and French political debates. This has raised questions such as whom Muslims in France vote for, why they vote that way, and the significance of their votes within the French political system. This Századvég analysis aims to provide answers to these questions in relation to the European migrant issue.

At the European Council summit in Brussels at the end of June, the heads of state and government of the member states proposed the extension of the mandate of Ursula von der Leyen, the current President of the European Commission, and the European Parliament is expected to confirm the German politician's nomination at its inaugural session in the week of July 15. Given these developments, Századvég evaluated and analyzed the activities of Ursula von der Leyen, covering the period from the Commission's assumption of office on December 1, 2019, to December 31, 2023.

Brussels has called on EU Member States to phase out subsidies on utility rates immediately, even though their abolition would have serious social consequences. The energy crisis is not over, and countries that do not protect their populations from market prices are facing severe energy poverty, according to research by Századvég Europe Project.

In recent years, Denmark’s strict immigration laws and proactive integration initiatives have made it unique among Western European EU countries. One of the unique features that distinguishes Denmark is the recognition of the negative consequences of migration, such as the existence of “ghettos”, which are areas designated by the government on “ghetto lists” and inhabited by immigrants.

6 out of 10 EU citizens do not agree with the new migration pact, which allows illegal migrants to be resettled in the EU Member States without the say of Member States, according to Századvég’s latest Project Europe survey.

The European Parliament and Council have adopted a Commission proposal to phase out fossil fuel boilers for heating buildings in the EU by 2040. The majority of EU citizens disagree with the decision, according to research by Századvég.

Most European citizens disagree with Brussels’ efforts to relax environmental and import regulations on Ukrainian produce, Századvég’s Project Europe research shows.

While 59% of EU citizens would fight for their country on its own soil, just over a quarter (27%) would take up arms outside its borders. In fact, when it comes to the involvement of EU soldiers in Ukraine, there is overwhelming rejection (69%) according to the latest results of Századvég’s Project Europe research.

Századvég has been conducting international public opinion surveys since 2016 to examine the views of European citizens on the issues that most affect the future of the EU. The aim of the 2024 survey of the unique Project Europe survey series was to map public attitudes on the most important public issues affecting our continent. The main topics of research are issues related to the Russia-Ukraine war and the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas. Topics will also include, among others, the sense of prosperity in society, perceptions of the European Union’s activities, energy price developments and energy policy, media, religious affiliation and attitudes to migration. The results of the survey were presented on 7 May 2024 at the Europe in the Shadow of War conference, held in the Várkert Bazár with the participation of several renowned professionals and public figures.

Results from Századvég’s Project Europe survey show that almost two thirds of EU citizens are concerned that, more than a year and a half on, there is still no meaningful result from investigations into the historic scale of attacks on the EU’s critical infrastructure.

The latest Europe Project survey by Századvég revealed that a majority of European citizens do not agree with a ban on motor vehicles with internal combustion engines by 2035.

86% of Hungarians are against European or NATO soldiers fighting in Ukraine, according to a March opinion poll by Századvég. Following recent calls by several leading European politicians, echoing the war rhetoric of French President Emmanuel Macron, for European countries to send troops to support Ukraine against Russia, Századvég has examined the Hungarian public’s views on certain issues related to the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will pay a visit to the United States for several days, during which he will meet former US President Donald Trump, now the only Republican presidential candidate, on 8 March. Trump, just like Hungary, is for peace and calls for an early end to the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine to avoid more people dying in the war. As one of the main political divides between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the US presidential election in November is expected to be the continuation of the war or the promotion of peace, Századvég has mapped out what Hungarians think about the current and former US president in this regard.

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