Opinions on the European Union

It is important to emphasise that in times of crisis (including the threat of war), citizens tend to turn to larger entities and communities for security, while European citizens are more critical of the day-to-day activities of the EU bureaucracy than of the European Union as the embodiment of the European ideal. Thirdly, public perception […]


As regards the public’s perception of individual punitive measures, it is important to highlight that there is divided support for restrictive measures that have a significant impact on the daily lives of Europeans, while there is high support for less essential sanctions that play a minor role in the daily lives of Europeans. One of […]

Energy, economy

With the energy crisis unfolding, the phenomenon of energy poverty is becoming increasingly prominent in public discourse, with two possible indicators being the survey of households experiencing heating and bill payment difficulties. At the end of 2022, 26% of EU and UK respondents said they were unable to heat their homes properly, with some countries […]


The latest results show that nearly three quarters (73%) of EU citizens have a positive opinion of family values. The Balkan region has the most positive attitudes towards family values, while the Visegrad countries and the countries of the former socialist bloc also expressed positive attitudes above the European average. In the context of the […]


In light of this, it is less surprising that more than two thirds (78%) of the people in the 38 European countries surveyed are concerned about the influx of irregular migrants into Europe. In all countries except Albania (49%), there is a majority of people expressing concern about this issue, even in traditionally pro-migration societies […]

Coronavirus pandemic

59% of European citizens expressed concern about the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, but there are significant differences between countries. Italians (68%), Swedes (67%) and Spaniards (66%) are most concerned about the pandemic situation, while the lowest levels of public concern are recorded in Hungary (44%), Kosovo (41%) and Albania (38%). The perception of government […]

European public opinion is strongly divided by the arming of Ukraine

The political leadership in several Member States goes against the will of the public Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict, the issue of arms transfers to Ukraine has played a decisive role in the European public discourse, in addition to the introduction and implementation of punitive measures by Brussels. Based on the research, […]

The importance of family values remains indisputable in Europe

Family values are particularly important for Europeans It is very rare for a social issue to show almost complete social consensus. The experience of recent years shows that family is particularly important to most Europeans, and this is especially true for Hungary. Since the results clearly pointed in the same direction to the question posed […]

European citizens remain concerned about illegal migration

The 2022 Project Europe opinion poll conducted by Századvég covered not only the EU Member States and the United Kingdom but also the countries in the Balkan region and Turkey. The responses revealed that, as in recent years, an absolute majority (78 percent) are concerned about the problem of the influx of illegal immigrants, and […]

Hungarians are the least afraid of blackouts in Europe

The priority of energy policy is to ensure continuous and uninterrupted supply. The social image of the successful completion of the task can be easily measured by the development of the population’s fear of power outages. Therefore, following the data collection of the European Social Survey in 2016, Századvég asked Europeans in the months before […]

The people in Budapest want peace and reject sanctions

The population of Budapest is committed to making peace as soon as possible As an introduction, it is important to note that the perception of leading politicians committed to continuing the armed conflict – similarly to national trends – presents a negative image among the population of Budapest. Eighty-two percent of those surveyed in the capital […]

Four-fifths of Europeans hold Brussels responsible for the energy crisis

Already after the first major increase in energy prices in the autumn of 2021, many experts suggested that the structural problems of the European energy market are largely the result of the ideology-driven Brussels policy. At the time, representatives of the European Commission argued that the criticisms were unfounded, the price increase was only temporary, […]

A quarter of Europeans have heating difficulties

The rise in energy prices caused by the escalating trade conflict between Russia and Europe poses increasingly serious challenges to EU countries. Individual Member States are using different official means to prevent the price explosion from spilling over into residential tariffs, but their effectiveness varies considerably. The most protective overhead support system operates in Hungary, […]

Public support for nuclear energy in Europe is growing

Following a series of warnings from professional organisations, the energy crisis has shown in practice that Europe needs nuclear power plants to provide reliable, cheap, and low-emission energy on the Continent with severe capacity constraints. However, some of the Western political elite continue to adhere to their ideology-driven, anti-nuclear stance; they call for the closure […]

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